The Art of Smoking Salmon: Making Norwegian Smoked Salmon at Home

Smoked salmon is a Nordic delicacy cherished worldwide for its unparalleled taste and delicate texture. Particularly renowned is Norwegian smoked salmon, distinguished by its traditional preparation methods and premium quality. While purchasing this delicacy often comes with a hefty price tag, it's entirely feasible to prepare smoked salmon in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Smoking salmon is an art that can be mastered by any enthusiastic home cook with a bit of practice and the right guidance. By crafting smoked salmon in your own home, you can not only save money but also experience the joy and satisfaction of preparing high-quality food from scratch. In this article, you'll learn how to create your own Norwegian smoked salmon, closely resembling the taste and quality of the traditional Scandinavian fish.

Choosing the Right Salmon for Smoking

When it comes to smoking salmon, fresh fillets with skin and no bones are particularly well-suited. This type of salmon offers juicy and tender flesh that develops nicely during the smoking process, absorbing the smoky flavor effectively. However, smaller pieces or trimmings of salmon can also be used for smoking, as long as they are fresh and of good quality.

There is a distinction between wild-caught salmon and farmed salmon that should be considered when smoking. Wild-caught salmon comes from natural waters and feeds on natural sources such as krill and other marine organisms, resulting in a more intense flavor and deeper color. Farmed salmon, on the other hand, is raised in controlled environments such as aquaculture and feeds on pelletized feed. It tends to have a milder flavor and lighter color. Both types of salmon can be used for smoking, with wild-caught salmon often preferred for its richer taste and more natural origin.

Smoked Salmon Ingredients

Here are the ingredients you'll need for preparing your own smoked salmon. With these simple ingredients and a little skill, you can create a delicious smoked salmon that will tantalize your taste buds.

  • 1 whole salmon fillet, about 1 kg
  • 100 g coarse sea salt
  • 100 g brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp dried dill
  • 1 tbsp black pepper
  • a splash of rum

Homemade Smoked Salmon Recipe: Here's the Recipe

  1. Smoking salmon is a delicious way to prepare this popular fish and infuse it with a delightful smoky flavor. With this simple recipe, you can make your own smoked salmon at home and enjoy the flavors of Nordic cuisine. Follow these steps to create a delicious piece of smoked salmon.
  2. Thoroughly wash and pat dry the salmon fillet. If needed, remove any bones.
  3. In a bowl, mix together the coarse sea salt, brown sugar, dried dill, and black pepper.
  4. Place the salmon fillet skin-side down on a rack and generously cover with the salt-sugar mixture. Ensure that all areas of the salmon are evenly covered.
  5. Place a catch tray underneath the rack to collect any liquid released during the brining phase.
  6. Marinate the salmon in the refrigerator for 24 hours. During this time, the salmon will lose about 1/3 of its weight in liquid.
  7. After the marinating time, rinse the salmon thoroughly under cold water to remove the excess salt-sugar mixture, and then pat it dry. Generously rub with rum to disinfect the salmon and impart additional flavor.
  8. Return the marinated salmon to the refrigerator for another 24 hours to allow the flavors to develop further.
  9. Next, cold smoke the salmon in a smoker at temperatures no higher than 20°C for about 12 hours, repeating the process twice. After each smoking session, allow the salmon to undergo a fresh air phase for 12 hours to further enhance its flavor. If you prefer a stronger smoky flavor, you can smoke the salmon for a third time.

Tips & Serving Suggestions

Use high-quality salmon for the best results. Wild-caught salmon often has a more intense flavor than farmed salmon. Experiment with different types of wood for smoking to create different flavors. Beechwood and alderwood are popular choices.

In Norway, smoked salmon is enjoyed in various ways. It is often thinly sliced and served on dark bread or toast, often garnished with butter, mustard, and fresh herbs. As a component of smørrebrød (Danish open sandwiches) or as a side dish to potatoes and salad, smoked salmon is a popular choice for a festive meal.

Smoked Salmon Recipe on YouTube

Activate the subtitle function and check out the video for the recipe on my YouTube channel.
